food fighters

fill your belly. feed our community.

Welcome to FoodFighters! We are brothers Reid (Grade 8) and Joel (Grade 6) who love to keep active in our community playing hockey, golf, soccer, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, squash, curling, skiing, swimming, playing the violin, singing in the school board choir and baking! We always enjoy growing herbs/vegetables in our own garden as well as making special appetizers and unique pizzas as a family.
I, Reid, actually participated in a “Slice of Brooklyn” pizza adventure with my parents throughout Brooklyn when I was just 10 weeks old. I, Joel, hope I can visit NYC one day and see how our pizza dough compares.
We have always both had a very entrepreneurial mindset through keeping busy with selling bracelets, necklaces, lemonade stands, and flower arrangements throughout the summer. When our good friend Rhys and his buddy Malcolm inspired us to join him in Food Fighters, we didn’t hesitate…other than convincing our parents we will find the time in between studying and activities. We love pizza and decided to open up in our supportive community, Navan.
Take dough out of the fridge an hour prior to baking
Preheat your oven with a pizza stone/steel to the HOTTEST temperature possible for at least 20 minutes
Put some flour on the dough so that it isn't sticky and stretch out the dough onto parchment paper
Top with your favourite toppings
Carefully transfer parchment paper with pizza onto pizza stone
Cook for 5-7 minutes - it’s fast, so keep a close eye on it!
With the rising costs of living, our food shelters need our help now more than ever. Together, we can help make sure the shelters have enough food.
FoodFighters is committed to donating 50% of proceeds to the Ottawa Food Bank.
YUM! Order now.
Please eTransfer to:
$10/bag. Each bag makes TWO medium pizzas.
Happy to deliver within Navan!
We will notify you of your delivery day when we receive your order. Please note they are made to order. For maximum flavour, dough goes through a slow fermentation for 3 days.
If you're not ready to eat it on delivery day, it freezes well for later use! Simply put it in the fridge the night before to thaw, and remember to take it out and let it get to room temperature about an hour before!
Thank you so much for your support!